Yes I have webbed toes, AKA flower toes and mutant toes. This does make me somewhat weird and when I was in elementary school I was totally self-conscious about my fish like feature. Since then I have grown to love them and am now so proud of my uniqueness that I’m making sure all know that I HAVE WEBBED TOES. Let me clarify some things so you don’t have to ask:
- I don’t know if they make me swim faster because I don’t know how fast I would swim without them.
- I don’t think I walk funny. You can be the judge of that.
- No, they don’t feel weird. I don’t know what it would feel like to not have webbed toes.
- No, they’ve never ripped.
- No, I don’t know what it would feel like if I tried to rip them… I’ve never tried but imagine it would hurt!
- No, I can’t wear toe socks. I’ve tried.
- No, I can’t wear a toe ring on them. I’ve tried.
That’s all the silly questions I can think of that people have asked me throughout my life. :)
Very interesting! I can think of another question: Is it both feet or just one? :)
What do they say when you get a pedicure??? :)
both feet! one is worse than the other. :)
Pedicures are a bit difficult on me because they have to use tissue paper to separate my toes... :) they usually try not to look at me like I'm a freak but I can see it! ;)
First of all I would like to say you have pretty feet. If you don't mind getting pedicures you should ask they tech if she minds. That should put her at ease somewhat. Secondly, you are not a freak. No more than anyone with very crooked or very long toes. Actually, yours look much better. I am amazed at all the people who think this is a big deal. It is something that should just be ignored. So much ado over a little extra skin.
Well, I do get different reactions from different people! It's kinda fun for me now! Some look at it and compare it to a "nubbin" (Chandler, from FRIENDS, has a third nipple, which he called his "nubbin"). And others think it is cute! I like being different in this way! God gives you strange blessings sometimes! :) Thanks for the feedback I always love to hear what people think about when they read anything on my blog! ;)
I came across this blog, and could not believe it, I have the exact same toes as you do. I thought I was the only one in the world that had "webbed toes". I too have had so many cruel people make fun of my feet. I just as you have one foot more noticeable than the other. I am 38 and still will not wear flip flops or any shoes that expose my toes. Just when I get the nerve up, some one will make a comment and the wall goes back up.
My 11 year-old stepson has webbed toes as well. He self conscious as well, but I think they are the cutest little toes. Hopefully he'll learn to love them as well.
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