Two puppies were found that need homes, so if you or anyone you know is in the market for a puppy please let me know! They are siblings named Maddie and Moose (their other sibling has already been adopted). Moose is a little boy who is very playful and full of energy. He's all personality and show's it off with all his toys. He’s smaller than his sister but just as plump! He minds very well considering how young he is, and is almost house trained and crate trained. Maddie is a sweet little girl who is also playful but calmer than her brother. She is also almost house trained and crate trained. She is larger than Moose but probably won't be more than 45 lbs. Both LOVE people which is amazing considering that they came from the woods. Their dad is a German Sheppard and mom is a brindle mix.
Help find Maddie and Moose a home today, forward this link to all your friends... If you are interested please comment or email me your phone number, :)
This is my way of broadly updating family and friends of my thoughts and happenings without sending out massive amounts of e-mails.
Please peruse the Woodward's blog and don't forget to let us know what is new with you.