Monday, January 17

35 Weeks, 5 Weeks to Go!

Jared and I met with Dr. Brown, another doctor from Dr. Gregory's practice, last Friday. She's great! So far we have really enjoyed meeting with all the doctors from Sparks & Favor. Dr. Brown says we are right on schedule. My tummy is measuring at 35 cm, my weight is on schedule and his heartbeat is strong. She also gave me permission to start contracting whenever, her words were... They would like for me to wait until 38 weeks but if I start contracting it is no big deal b/c 35 weeks is in the safe zone! YAY!!

My What to Expect App says my baby is as big as a Large Cantaloupe (19 in to 22 in, 6 lbs). Here is our Cantaloupe:

Mommy News:

I'm a true waddler now! I walk just like a penguin, when I'm coming people should yell "wide load, coming through!" I belly bump people, furniture, doors... all the time! I hurt constantly in my hips, which come to find out is hormones causing the connective tissue in my body to soften, loosen and become more flexible... this will help Mcbaby squeeze through my pelvic bones, gotta love that mental image! :)
I experienced several contractions this weekend, which HURT!

Baby is kicking and moving all the time, which is comforting at times and painful at other times. Last night it hurt so bad I told Jared and Leah he is grounded as soon as he gets out!! ;) He has the hiccups right now!

34 days to go!

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