After munching and munching we moved it out to the back porch for girl talk and more laughs.
Me and Leah
Clint and his friend Jake after attending the ACA's Senior Banquet
Calli, Larrah and Jessie Dean (Larrah arrived late but she'll be in more pictures tomorrow).
Me and Ashley were on a winning team.
Jessica and Larrah were on a team... this is a picture of them after they landed on a blue color, their card said they had to stay under the table until it was their turn again. Hee Hee!
Leah, after landing on a yellow, writing her limerick (a light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba), before her next turn.
Jake and Clint landed on a blue and had to play patty cake... it was amusing!
Quotes of the weekend (laughing hysterically while typing them up):
So after our fun talk on the porch Clint talked everyone into playing Quelf... it is just about the silliest game I've EVER played! We sure had a lot of laughs! :)
Their once was a man with five arms,
Who lived on a very big farm.
He had a whole slew of limes,
That he picked all at one time.
So fortunate it was that he had five arms.
(The right person drew that card!)
Leah had to find something in less then a minute that had a chin strap so she headed straight to the mud room and grabbed Mom's gardening hat. I am modeling my mask that Ashley and I had to hand make in less then a minute and wearing my post-it that had a target on it, whenever you catch anyone looking at your target they had to move back one space... yes this game is SILLY!
Calli said it all in one look as to how we all felt about Clint's game... crazy and chaotic!
Clint, Calli, Colton and Jessie Dean as we played Catch Phrase and Clint shared his Fun Dip.
The Harry Potter team beat the Volemort team... it was rigged.
Quotes of the weekend (laughing hysterically while typing them up):
Jess: I don't have a spare tire in my car, I have Friends. The complete series.
Codie: OH, OH, there's a napkin on fire!
Calli: There are a lot of eyes going on.
Jess: Not that one, it doesn't work.
Rachel: I want wine!
Codie: Should I put on a dress?
Leah: She made me put on a dress earlier.
Calli: Personal life window closing!
Codie: Why are we shouting?
Codie: Who knew laughing was such a workout?
Rachel: This is a new one so we don't know the lyrics.
Codie: Lucky you.
Rachel: One more CAMERA! Two more pictures!!
Codie: Don't drink all of it! He bought it for everyone!
Calli (while Leah danced): Interpretive dance by Leah... There's no jelly fish in this song!
Codie: Don't wear this dress I just wiped snot on it.
Calli: Good thing it's green.
Calli: All talk and no bowel movement!
Codie: That's some legs, some could call it a centipede.
Leah: Let me bring the quote book, lest something funny be said.
Calli (to Rachel singing to parade): Sit down women, reel it in, reel it in!
Codie (as Colton beat boxed): Thank you Justin, zip that fly up.
Codie: Um, I have a card in my hand!
Calli: Could you stop yelling.
Ashley: Quelf... it sounds like an impolite word!
Codie: Quelf is the worst game ever! Did I say it right that time?
Rachel: Excuse me, I feel a question coming on.
Codie: Look alive Jake! Look alive!
Calli: We won.
Codie: The whole game?
Calli: No...
Jess (from under the table): This game is not fun yet.
Calli: We are going to have to find the turn down button on you.
Calli: I would have to say we aren't in a romance novel.
Jess: Do I look like a person who is nice to dogs?
Leah: I have sunscreen in my eye.
Calli (laughing hysterically): It's just the way you say things.
I laughed OUT LOUD while I read all the quotes. PRICELESS!!
FABULOUS weekend!! I want to do it again!!!
I laughed out loud too and I wasn't even there. The next time this get-totgether occurs I better get to participate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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