Friday, August 27

Gender Predictions

Since I'm only 14 weeks pregnant and my next apt will be August 30 (only 15 weeks pregnant) I probably won't know the gender until the end of September. So why not try some gender prediction tools for fun! :)

Here are the tests and the results that I found:

Chinese Pregnancy Calendar - Boy

Old Wives Tales (I'm not quite far enough along to answer some of these but here it goes):

Q: If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you'll have a boy. Right side? Girl.
A: I sleep on my stomach still but mostly have my head facing the right side. Girl

Q: Extreme nausea means you are having a girl.
A: I have major nausea! Girl

Q: If your hands are dry, you are having a boy; soft -- expect a girl.
A: More dry, but I thought that was because I have to tinkle all the time so I wash my hands way more times a day than normal. Boy

Q: If you're craving citrus, you're having a girl.
A: I do love me some oranges! Girl

Q: If your skin breaks out, expect a girl.
A: My skin hasn't been to bad but worse then normal. Girl

Q: If you feel graceful during pregnancy, you'll have a girl. Clumsy? It's a boy.
A: I'm super clumsy anyway and have NEVER felt graceful. Boy

Q: If you gain weight in your face, it means you're having a girl.
A: I don't think so. Boy

Q: Craving salt? Expect a boy. A little something sweet? You're having a girl.
A: I've never been a sweets lover... I'd pick french fries over cake any day! Boy

Q: If your right breast is larger than the left, you are having a girl. If the left is larger, a boy.
A: No idea. Inconclusive

Q: Feeling extremely moody? Expect a girl.
A: I'm super spacey but I don't think I've been moody... Jared thinks I have. Girl
Try These Scenarios

Q: Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. It is swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.
A: Back and forth. Boy

Q: How would you show someone your hands? Palms up? It's a girl. Down? A boy.
A: If someone asked me to show them my hands I would show them palms up. Girl

Q: Hang a ring on a chain over your belly. Swings back and forth? It's a girl. In a circular motion, a boy.
A: Circular. Boy

Q: If a toddler boy shows interest in your belly, you'll have a girl. If he ignores you, it's a boy.
A: My nephew ignored my belly a few weeks ago. Boy

Q: Guess the baby's sex by eating garlic. If the smell seeps out of your pores -- boy. No scent -- girl.
A: No thanks! Inconclusive

Q: If you pick up a key by the round end, you're having a boy. If it's by the long end? A girl.
A: Long end. Girl

Conception Clues

Q: If your age and year of conception are both even or odd, it's girl. One even, one odd means a boy.
A: 26 and 2010. Girl

Q: If the baby's heart beats more than 150 times per minute, you'll have a girl. Less than 150, a boy.
A: High 150s. Girl

Q: A child tends to be of the same sex as the parent who is less stressed at the time of conception.
A: No idea. Inconclusive

Q: If you dream about having a girl, you will wind up having a boy and vice versa.
A: In all my dreams I'm just pregnant. However I did dream that I had a dog the other day and went to see Dr. Gregory highly ticked off because the ultrasound shows a human... I wasn't really worried about if the dog was a male or a female. I woke up crying! Inconclusive - 80% chance of a boy and 20% chance of a girl. Girl

Drano Test - Q: The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl. If it turns blue, it’s a boy.
A: So, when I read how to do this it grossed me out. Inconclusive

Branches - Q: The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl.
A: I see branches! Girl

Headaches: - Q: If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.
A: Many a headache. Boy

Baby Names - Q: It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby.
A: We only mostly agree on a boy name. Boy - 33% boy and 66% chance of having a girl (this is mostly Inconclusive because I'm not far enough along to answer some of these questions.)

Girl Total = 12
Boy Total = 10

This is really close... but I think I'll rely on the ultrasound results!

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