Thursday, October 28

Yes, Us Webbed Toe People Can Have Pedicures!

Ok, I'm going to show my dorky side, I sometimes check to see what keyword phrases people type into google to find my blog...

Someone actually googled "can people with webbed toes get pedicures"? Seriously? Wow! In case anyone else is curious, the answer is yes! :)

My freshly pedicured toes are on the right. :)


The King's said...

ok, so i want to know how you look up the thing on google!! i didn't know you could do that!

Rachel said...

Hey Emily! I have instructions from a youtube video I found that is scheduled to post today at 12:00. Hope it is helpful! If you are not comfortable working with hard html code then email me and I can do it for you... this is only something that needs to be done once.

The King's said...

awesome! I already have google analytics on my blog, but didn't know you could do all that!!
