Here are 25 random things about me, enjoy! :)
1. Even when I’m in the worst of moods my husband can always make me smile!
2. I like to drink out of two straws!
3. My high school nick names is Rocky! So, don’t cross me on a bridge!
4. Watching Big Love on HBO is one of my guilty pleasures! (I love the characters, especially Nikki!)
5. I love chatting with my girlfriends about nothing and everything for HOURS!
6. In my day to day life I can usually find at least one moment to reference FRIENDS!
7. My PERFECT days have been spent riding horses at SawGrass!
8. I love to spot actors in random movies and ask “do you know what else they play on?”… my husband is growing tired of this game!
9. I think I would be good at Quidditch! … I read all 7 Harry Potters in 3 months and am now having withdrawals! I can’t wait until the 6th movie comes out! ( )
10. I love my cousins; we always have a BLAST together and make up silly things to laugh about… God bless Kurt! Whip crack away! You’re WEIRD!!
11. I love the Gilmore Girls but am disappointed in how they ended the show! Right Calli?
12. I do NOT sleep on a pillow!
13. I google EVERTHING!
14. The best conversations happen when riding horses with your friends!
15. Sushi and cheesy fries (from Outback) are my two comfort foods!! Yes, I have eaten them together! :)
16. Church’s of Christ are NONdenominational, there are no TWO COC exactly the same!!!! COC is “autonomous, not denominational, and purposefully do not maintain an ecclesiastical hierarchy or doctrinal council, it is not unusual to find variations from congregation to congregation." ( … I am a COC girl! And married a COC boy!
17. I love having conversation with kids! They love to be listened to and say the most insightful things! My neighbor’s kids have come over, knocked on our back door and asked “Mr. Jared can Mrs. Rachel come out and play!” They are so much FUN!!
18. I love to ski! (snow and water)
19. NUMBER ONE pet peeve, people who reek of hypocrisy!
20. If people would just bust out in song and dance at random like in old movies it would solve all the countries problems to date… guaranteed! I love old movies!! Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, all Doris Day’s movies, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Gone with the Wind, High Society…
21. I don’t remember life before DVRs! Or how anyone can watch TV without it!
22. I use to swim with my horses in the pond behind the house I grew up in! I couldn’t tell you how many times I have fallen off, been thrown off, been bucked off, and been stepped on but so far I haven’t broken anything! It is a miracle I lived through my young teen years riding horses in the woods!
23. I love Broadway musicals!! I’m seeing Wicked for the second time in April!
24. I totally believe Miami understands me when I talk to her! She is so smart!
25. I want to ski dive before 2010!! Anyone want to join me?