Wednesday, May 26

Motivation tips for slackers from Unclutterer

While Leah and I were in t-town for our girl's trip last weekend (will post about it soon) my sweet hubby did a SUPERMAN type job cleaning the house. This has inspired me to follow suit get organized and start picking out paint! One of the many blogs I follow, Unclutterer by Erin Doland, had a guest blogger, Chaya Goodman, write about Motivation Tips for Slackers. Below is the tip that stuck out to me the most which will help me not get overwhelmed with the many projects I'm wanting to start on the house.

Know your limits.
I’ve noticed that the cycle of slacking for me goes like this: 1. Taking on way too many projects (organizational or otherwise), to compensate for having slacked off; 2. Trying to do all the tasks using poor time management skills; 3. Failing at fulfilling responsibilities; 4. Giving up hope; 5. Slacking. When tasks start piling up, do not touch the dust of taking them on all at once. Be honest with yourself — you’re not a superhero who can stop time. Instead, make a list and deal first with the task with the biggest penalty for slacking. For example, renewing my driver’s license has the biggest financial risk associated with it, so I decided to undertake it before putting away my laundry.

Visit Unclutterer for more tips on how to unclutter your life, it is an easy read and has great insight! :)

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