Tuesday, May 19

Breaking News!!

If you vote for Kris Allen 20 times tonight you could lose 5 lbs!! Wait it gets better, if you send 20 friends this information you could lose 5 times that!! Wow, right? However if you vote for the other guy even once you could possibly gain that freshman 15 lbs instantly... I wouldn't chance it!!

Vote for Kris Allen tonight on American Idol!!!



The Penter Family said...

I guess I better vote for Adam then because I am trying to GAIN weight. Ha!

Rachel said...

Well 15 lbs is a lot!! It could be WAY more!! Again, I wouldn't chance it!!
On Snopes.com it confirmed that if you don't want to lose weight than all your dreams will come true if you vote for Kris!! :)

Ashley and Jeff said...

I have not followed AI much this season but I do know that Adam Lambert scares me so.....YAY Kris!!! :)

Rachel said...
