Wednesday, March 18

Introduction to the SawGrass Horses

I have put a halt on labeling which horse is which in the pictures I have posted b/c it's tiresome! So let me introduce you to the SawGrass horses for future reference... I'll let you know all their names too... it can get confusing! :)

Whiskey is fairly new to SawGrass so he only has one name. His owner, Allen, is good friends with my family and boards his 2 horses (Full Throttle is his other horse) at SawGrass and lets us ride them! :) Whiskey is one of the oldest horses, I feel comfortable putting just about anybody on him.

Dapple Grey (aka Sundance or just Grey) is for a more confident rider. He use to be the most dominant horse at SawGrass and I didn't ride him much b/c he's a PILL to catch but the last few times we have ridden him he's been excellent!! He has a fabulous gait!

Comet (aka V6) is the only horse that survived the colic of 2007, when we lost 3 of our horses (Pretty Boy, Blaze and Seminole). :( I am so happy he is better b/c anyone can ride him as long as Full Throttle isn't with us (you'll meet him shortly)!
Buddy is my horse from back in the day! He turned 22 this past February. :) I have so many memories with Buddy riding in the woods behind our old house in Loganwood along with my other horse Buttermilk who died in 2003. :( I think only Papa and I can get him in his saddle gait now-a-days but anyone can ride him!

Full Throttle (aka Tyler's Horse) only knows one speed! I have only ridden him when all the horses were being ridden and he is a WORKOUT!! Basically you have to hold him back the entire time you are riding him. I let him go full speed one time and while it was a fun rush, I saw my life flash before my eyes!! :) He does love to be ridden, is easy to catch and loves on you when you step into the pasture.
Full Throttle sticking his tongue out at me! :P

Cisco (aka Palomino and Heidi) had a badly infected cut on his leg and foundered (which means REALLY sick, should have died) a few months ago and is still in recovery! Papa is going to give him another month to recuperate and then we can start riding him again. Cisco is everyones favorite horse! He's on the same level as Comet, anyone can ride him. He is easy to get in a saddle gait but is ADD and trips A LOT! :)
He is really affectionate and was a total camera hog so here are his glam shots! :)
Red (aka Blaze Jr.) has taken the role of most dominant horse! He is Papa's favorite horse and Papa doesn't like me to talk bad about Red but he can be so nasty! For example he took a big chunk out of Black Jack's neck while we were talking during our ride, poor Black Jack was bleeding. MEAN! (I forgot to take a picture of Red on Saturday so here is a pic of him with Leah a few months ago)

I also forgot to take a pic of Black Jack so here is a profile shot while I was riding him. Black Jack is young and still doesn't know much. He was a pasture horse and had not been ridden until we bought him (he kinda came with Red). The first time I rode him I had to start with the basics! He is still a little "stupid" and jumps at any little thing that makes a noise in the woods but is really sweet and has a fair gait. I really enjoy the challenge he brings!
Read all the adventures of Whiskey, Grey, Comet, Buddy, Full Throttle, Cisco, Red and Black Jack in future and past posts! :)


Amy Jones said...

Your horses are beautiful! I just wanted to comment on your blog's background -- I came so close to choosing that one, but wanted to go with something I thought Patrick would really like! (He's a beach bum, like me!)

Rachel said...

Thanks! I love them!
I love green, which is why I chose it! One of my blogging friends has the same bg too! I think it's pretty!

McKinney Madness said...

Okay, so now I'm REALLY excited about Sawgrass!!!

Rachel said...

YEAH!!! You'll do great as a horsewoman!! Just show them who is boss! ...which would be you! ;)